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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the hardest college to get into in PA?

Hey folks, anyone have information about the most competitive colleges in Pennsylvania? I'm trying to gauge my chances and prepare accordingly. Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

The most competitive college in Pennsylvania is arguably the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), which is an Ivy League institution located in Philadelphia. UPenn's acceptance rate fluctuates around 8-9%, making it highly selective. Factors such as a strong high school GPA, high SAT or ACT scores, and a demonstrated commitment to extracurricular activities play a significant role in admissions.

To give you a rough idea, the average high school GPA of admitted students is usually around 3.9, and the middle 50% SAT score ranges from around 1440 to 1560 out of 1600. That being said, keep in mind that admission isn't solely based on numbers - a standout essay, impressive extracurricular experiences, and pillars of support from recommenders can make a strong impact as well.

Remember, applying to colleges should consider both fit and competitiveness. Ensure to have a variety of colleges on your list: reach, target, and safety schools. Don't focus solely on their ranking or prestige but also consider factors such as programs of interest, location, size, culture, financial aid, and support services.

3 months ago

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