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SAT: 720 math
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Most challenging universities to get into in the UK?

So, I've been thinking of applying to universities in the UK. I know some of them are pretty competitive. Which ones, would you say, are the top 20 hardest UK universities to get admitted to?

3 months ago

Certainly, there are several highly competitive universities in the UK. Here's a list (in no particular order) of what are generally considered the 20 most challenging UK universities to gain admission to, based on acceptance rates and academic standards as of the current application cycle:

1. University of Oxford

2. University of Cambridge

3. Imperial College London

4. London School of Economics and Political Science

5. University College London

6. University of St Andrews

7. University of Edinburgh

8. King's College London

9. University of Bristol

10. Queen Mary University of London

11. The University of Warwick

12. Durham University

13. University of Nottingham

14. University of Southampton

15. University of Bath

16. University of Leeds

17. University of Birmingham

18. Cardiff University

19. University of Sheffield

20. University of Glasgow

It's important to note that while these universities are well-regarded for their educational caliber and often have lower acceptance rates, your "fit" for a particular university holds equal if not greater importance than its ranking or selectivity. Your goals, interests, and the degree program you're interested in should greatly influence your decision when applying.

3 months ago

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