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Introduction to the Space Force

I heard about the creation of the Space Force as a new military branch. Can anyone explain what they do and how they fit within the structure of the US military?

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be glad to break down what the Space Force does. The United States Space Force (USSF) was established as the sixth branch of the U.S. Armed Forces in December 2019, under the jurisdiction of the Department of Air Force.

As to its purpose, the Space Force is tasked with organizing, training, and equipping personnel to protect U.S. and allied interests in space. This covers a wide range of responsibilities including but not limited to satellite communication, space traffic control, advanced navigational systems, and tracking space debris.

However, note that Space Force doesn't involve soldiers physically in space. Instead, most of its personnel are based on the ground, where they work to monitor and manage U.S. military interests in the space domain.

In terms of the structure of the U.S. military, the Space Force is a distinct branch. This means it operates independently but in a cooperative manner with the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.

The Space Force's chief of space operations currently sits on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicating its significance and integration within the entire U.S. military's operations. It's also interesting to note the Department of the Air Force oversees both the Space Force and the Air Force, which mirrors how the Department of the Navy operates with the Navy and Marine Corps.

The Space Force is the newest component of the armed forces, and it’s still in its growing phase, often relying on personnel temporarily assigned from the Air Force, and still establishing the various roles within it. But the importance of this branch continues to rise due to the increasing role of technology and space in security strategies.

If you're interested in an innovative, rapidly evolving working environment, Space Force could be a great match for you.

3 months ago

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