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Hardest College Admissions Exams in the USA

I've heard that some colleges have their own admissions exams that can be really tough. Just to have an idea, which colleges are known for having the most difficult admissions exams in America?

3 months ago

Absolutely, some colleges in the United States do have their own specific admissions tests, separate from the standardized SAT or ACT. Often, these are highly specialized and selective schools, primarily for mathematics, science, and engineering disciplines.

Two that come to mind are the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Applicants to these schools typically face rigorous competition and often have near-perfect scores on their SAT or ACT tests. Furthermore, these colleges also used to consider SAT Subject Tests in their admissions processes before these were discontinued.

Several years ago, MIT had its own test called the MITES (MIT Engineering Studies) program for high school students, which was considered quite rigorous. The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, in New York City, also used to have its own set of examinations that included three parts: a Studio Test for the School of Art, a Home Test for the School of Architecture, and an Engineering Test for, you guessed it, the School of Engineering.

Do note that applicants to these schools should also have a resume of exceptional high school academic performance, beyond just test scores. Involvement in a breadth of extracurricular activities, especially those which align with the student's academic interests, is also key.

Admissions exams may also exist for certain college programs or majors. These tend to be either foundational exams testing knowledge in a specific area before diving deeper in college or aptitude exams to assess the potential success of an applicant in a certain field of study.

However, the admission landscape is inevitably dynamic, and the relevance and requirement for such specialized exams can change. Students should always research by visiting the specific admission websites of schools they're interested in to get accurate and updated information.

3 months ago

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