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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Struggling to Find Michigan's Toughest Colleges

Michigan is a big state and there are loads of colleges here. But which ones, exactly, are the hardest to get into? I'm really keen to find out which colleges are the most competitive in admissions, so I know what I'm up against.

3 months ago

Several colleges in Michigan are known for competitive admissions. Here's a list of some of the toughest ones to get into:

1. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: This is one of the most prestigious public universities in the U.S. and is known for its competitive admissions, particularly for its Ross School of Business and College of Engineering.

2. Michigan State University, Honors College: While MSU's overall admissions might not be as competitive, the Honors College is highly selective.

3. Kalamazoo College: This small liberal arts college also boasts competitive admissions.

4. Calvin University: This is a private Christian liberal arts university.

5. Hillsdale College: This college has a rigorous curriculum based on the liberal arts.

Keep in mind these numbers are averages, so don't be discouraged if your scores or grades are a bit on the lower side. Remember, your application includes other elements too like the essays, recommendations, and extracurricular activities, which also have a significant impact on your application. Be sure to consider whether a school aligns with your personal and academic goals beyond selectivity. The "fit" of a college often matters more than the ranking or its general competitiveness.

3 months ago

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