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Rigor of Majors at University of Washington?

Hey all, I'm a junior considering applying to the University of Washington. I want to push myself and pursue a challenging major. Can anyone share what the toughest major programs at UoW, in terms of coursework difficulty and entry competition, might be?

3 months ago

At the University of Washington, several programs are known for their rigorous coursework and competitive entry. Here are a few:

1. Computer Science & Engineering (CSE): UW's CSE program consistently ranks among the top in the nation. It is highly competitive and intense, with a strong emphasis on theory, design, and implementation. The program is designed to challenge students and prepare them thoroughly for diverse careers in technology.

2. Bioengineering: This major integrates principles from biology and engineering to create solutions for healthcare. The rigorous coursework and tough competition for admission make it one of the more challenging programs at UW.

3. Business (Foster School): The business program has a strong reputation and is well-known for its competitive admission process. Notably, the Foster School emphasizes experiential learning, which can sometimes be challenging due to the real-life situations students have to face and solve.

4. Aeronautics & Astronautics: Known for being one of the more challenging engineering disciplines, Aeronautics & Astronautics is another major to look into if you're seeking rigorous courses with a competitive admission process. The program's technical depth can be intense for students.

Of course, the difficulty and competition can be subjective and may vary according to a student's personal strengths and interests. Regardless of the major you choose, you'll want to demonstrate a strong academic record, a passion for your chosen field, and a willingness to take on challenging coursework to be competitive in these programs. Keep in mind that UW is a research-intensive institution, and many of its programs will present rigorous academic challenges.

3 months ago

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