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Understanding UK university competition

I'm considering applying overseas and I heard that the UK universities are super competitive. Can someone share which are the top 10 hardest universities to get into in the UK?

3 months ago

Certainly! While the exact order or ranking can fluctify year to year depending several factors, here are 10 of the most competitive universities in the UK. They are known for their rigorous selection process and high entry requirements:

1. University of Cambridge: Known globally for its academic excellence, this university often requires top A-level grades for entry. It's particularly famous for its natural sciences, mathematics, and humanities programs.

2. University of Oxford: Similarly tough as Cambridge, Oxford also usually asks for high A-level grades. Oxford is home to the oldest university in the English-speaking world and it's especially renowned for its humanities, sciences, and politics program.

3. Imperial College London: A leading university for science, engineering, medicine, and business studies. The institution is renowned for its research output and strong employment prospects for graduates.

4. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE): As one of the world's leading schools for social sciences, LSE is highly sought after by students interested in politics, economics, law, and sociology.

5. University College London (UCL): UCL is a comprehensive university with solid programs across the board. Its popularity and academic quality make it a competitive choice for prospective students.

6. University of Edinburgh: As one of the oldest and most prestigious universities, the admission process is quite competitive, particularly for programs like English, history, and law.

7. King's College London: Frequently ranked among the world's top universities, King's is especially renowned for programs in law, humanities, and health-related fields.

8. Durham University: Highly competitive in subjects such as Anthropology, Archaeology, and Theology. The architecture of the university is also world-famous.

9. University of Manchester: Competitive, particularly in engineering, physical sciences, and business administration. One of the largest universities in the UK with regard to student population.

10. University of Bristol: Known for excellent programs in disciplines like social sciences, law, and engineering.

It's important to note that besides grades, these institutions consider other aspects of your application, such as your personal statement, references, and any relevant work experience. Furthermore, the competitiveness can also vary depending on the specific course or program you're applying to.

3 months ago

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