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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Toughest Florida College Admission?

Hi! I'm a Florida resident, thinking about my college choices. What do you guys think is the toughest college to get into in Florida? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

3 months ago

I'd say the University of Florida is likely the most competitive public university in the state of Florida, based on its low acceptance rate and high academic rigor. For the class of 2028, the middle 50% SAT range was 1320-1450 and the middle 50% ACT range was 28-33. Furthermore, the average weighted GPA for accepted students was around a 4.45. UF has a highly regarded Honors Program and offers strong programs across a wide range of disciplines.

In terms of private universities, the University of Miami tends to be quite selective as well. With an acceptance rate around 19% for the class of 2028 and rigorous academic standards, this university can be particularly competitive for certain majors or programs.

That being said, "toughest" can depend on a variety of factors such as intended major, extracurricular achievements, essays, and more. It's always beneficial to investigate not just admission statistics, but also the programs and opportunities available at these universities to best match your academic and career goals.

3 months ago

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