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What's the Most Challenging Major to Get Into in College?

Hey folks! As I'm getting ready to apply to colleges, I’m curious about something: which major is generally the toughest to get into? Does it vary a lot from college to college? Would love to get a better understanding of this.

3 months ago

When it comes to the difficulty of getting into a particular major, it can definitely vary from college to college. Each university will have areas of specialty or prestige, which can make those programs more competitive.

For instance, at schools like MIT or Caltech, which specialize in STEM, majors like Physics, Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering can be extremely competitive. On the other hand, at prestigious business schools like Wharton (UPenn), a degree in Business or Finance tends to be more challenging to acquire due to the institute's reputation and competitive applicant pool.

However, it's important to note, the most challenging major to get into can also be influenced by the specific demand and supply characteristics of a given field of study at a particular time. For example, Computer Science has seen an increasingly competitive admissions environment because technology-related careers have balloomed in prominence in recent years.

Bear in mind that while it may seem daunting to apply for these competitive majors, admission committees look at much more than just your chosen field of study. They will consider your overall academic and extracurricular resume, including your grades, test scores, and demonstrated interest/passion in the field.

At the end of the day, it's crucial to choose a major that aligns with your interests and career goals, not merely because of perceived prestige or competitive nature. This will likely result in a more fulfilling educational experience and successful career path.

3 months ago

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