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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Convenient Part-Time Jobs for College Students?

I'm heading to college soon and I was wondering, what are the most convenient jobs for students balancing their academics and part-time work? I definitely need something to earn a bit of dough, but I also don't want it to drain all my energy and time that I should be dedicating to my studies.

3 months ago

Balancing work and studies is indeed a challenging but often necessary aspect of college life. The good news is that there are several part-time jobs that are well-suited to college students.

1. On-Campus Jobs - Check online job boards at your school or speak to your financial aid office about work-study positions. These jobs tend to accommodate your class schedule. Typical roles include library assistant, dining hall worker, or resident assistant (RA).

2. Tutor - If you excel in a particular subject, consider becoming a tutor. This flexible job lets you help others while reinforcing your own knowledge.

3. Retail worker - Many retail stores offer flexible hours, which are suitable for students with evening or weekend availability.

4. Babysitting - If you enjoy working with kids, babysitting is a flexible job that often pays well. Use networks or websites to find local families.

5. Food delivery or rideshare driver - If you have a car, working for a food delivery or rideshare company lets you set your own hours.

6. Virtual assistant - As a virtual assistant, you could do customer service, data entry, scheduling, or social media management entirely from your dorm room.

Remember, your primary focus should be on your academics. When looking for a job, consider how much time you can realistically dedicate to work without hindering your studies. Try to find something that aligns with your interests and future career goals, as this will not only make the job more fulfilling, but will also offer valuable experience for your resume. Lastly, always keep communication open with your employer about your schedule and academic commitments. Most understand the demands of a college schedule and are willing to work with you if any conflicts arise.

3 months ago

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