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Which Colleges are Known for Grading Tough?

Been hearing about certain colleges that are reputed for their tough grading. Can anyone provide more information on this? It will help me prepare myself better.

3 months ago

Sure, there are indeed several colleges notorious for strict grading. Just as a heads up, these are usually highly competitive schools, so while the grading may be tough, remember that they also offer excellent education and resources.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is one such institution. Many students report that the classes are intense and the grading can be rigorous. This is due in part to their strong emphasis on STEM subjects, which generally require a lot of work.

Johns Hopkins University, especially renowned for its pre-medical courses, is also known for graded rigor. The complex material combined with a competitive atmosphere can make for quite a challenging environment.

Another school that might come to mind is Princeton University. Although they have abolished the grade deflation policy in 2014, many students still report strict grading norms.

The University of Chicago also consistently has a reputation for rigorous grading and academic intensity.

The exact grading practices can vary by major, professor, and even specific classes within these schools, and these institutions themselves have comprehensive support systems in place to help students deal with academic pressure. That said, if you thrive under pressure and enjoy intellectual rigor, then these schools could be an excellent fit for you. Just be prepared for a challenging academic environment and plan your schedule wisely to maintain balance in your college life.

Remember that grades aren't everything and that studying in such environments could also provide you with high-quality education, growth opportunities, and preparation for future rigor in the workplace. Balance your decision with what you're looking for in a college experience. It's crucial to think about your personal goals and whether high academic challenges align with your objectives and strengths.

3 months ago

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