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Is taking high school physics necessary for my college application?

Hello! I'm planning my courses for next year and I'm wondering how important it is to take physics. I'm interested in a STEM field but not sure if physics is a must-have on my transcript for college applications. For those of you who've applied to STEM programs, did colleges require or strongly recommend high school physics? How did it impact your application if you didn't take it?

a year ago

Hello there! Your curiosity about course selection shows you're thoughtfully planning your academic path, which is great. For STEM fields, a solid foundation in science courses, including physics, can indeed be beneficial. Colleges tend to look for students who have taken challenging courses in high school that are relevant to their intended area of study. While it's not always an explicit requirement, many competitive STEM programs expect applicants to have completed coursework across all the core science disciplines - biology, chemistry, and physics. Taking physics can further demonstrate your readiness to tackle college-level STEM courses.

If you're already taking several AP science courses or a science-related IB curriculum, and physics doesn't fit in your schedule, you could potentially forgo it. However, I would recommend considering it if possible, especially if you're eyeing top-tier institutions. If you've opted out of physics, consider showing your passion for STEM in other areas of your application, such as extracurricular activities or your personal statement. If you decide not to take physics, be prepared to explain in your application why you made that choice and how you've still prepared for a STEM education.

a year ago

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