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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What should I expect from online university experiences?

With the shift toward virtual learning, I'm considering some online university options. Does it really match up to the traditional college experience, or are there major trade-offs? How's the social aspect and student support?

a year ago

Online university experiences have evolved quite a bit lately, especially with the global push toward virtual learning. While there's no denying that it's different from the traditional college experience, whether it's better or worse depends a lot on what you're looking for and your learning style. My child started with in-person classes but switched to online due to the pandemic, and they’ve had quite a positive experience with the shift.

One major trade-off is the social aspect; it's harder to form those spontaneous connections that you might in a lecture hall or a student union. However, many online programs are now including virtual socials, study groups, and clubs to help students connect. For some, this works just fine, while others may miss that in-person buzz. As for student support, it's very much there – but much like with the social aspect, it's all conducted through emails, chats, and video calls. You've got to be a bit more proactive and reach out to use these resources effectively.

So, if you're self-motivated and comfortable with a more independent learning style, then online education can be a great fit. Plus, without geographical constraints, you might have access to programs that were previously out of reach due to distance!

a year ago

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