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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking to Apply to Boston University: Easiest College to Enter?

Hey all, I am fairly serious about applying to Boston University, but I've heard that it's a pretty competitive place. In your experience, which college within BU might be the easiest to get admitted into? Would appreciate your insights!

3 months ago

Boston University (BU) does have a competitive admissions process and the acceptance rates differ across the various schools within the university. However, it's essential not to rely solely on the perceived competitiveness when picking a program as it's always best to apply to a program that truly aligns with your academic interest and career goals.

That said, the College of General Studies (CGS) at BU often has a higher acceptance rate compared to the more specialized schools such as the Questrom School of Business or the College of Engineering. CGS offers a broad-based curriculum, allowing students to explore various disciplines before deciding on a major.

Just remember, if you're choosing this approach, it's important to be genuinely interested in the programs offered at the CGS, as it's a two-year program before you transition to one of the specialized schools to complete your bachelor's degree. The admissions committee would likely be able to detect a lack of genuine interest in your application which could adversely affect your chances.

Also, be prepared to explain your choice in your essays and interviews, emphasizing why a broader liberal arts education in the first two years aligns with your academic and career aspirations. You could talk about how you appreciate the opportunity to explore a wide array of subjects before committing to a major.

In conclusion, if your main goal is to join BU, the College of General Studies may be a strategy to consider. But remember that fit and interest matter critically in every admissions process. Good luck!

3 months ago

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