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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does taking the hardest class in college history make sense?

Hi there, super excited and terrified junior here! So, I love History and won't mind a challenge, but, does it make sense to take the hardest class in that discipline? Do colleges look more favorably upon students who thrive under rigorous coursework? I don't want to push myself just to crash and burn though, so any advice would be appreciated.

3 months ago

Hello! It's commendable that you're willing to push yourself academically. Taking rigorous classes can be one way to demonstrate that you're ready for the challenge of college-level work, and that could certainly catch the eye of admissions officers. Taking the hardest history class at your school could indeed make you shine in a positive light, especially if you do well in it.

However, it's important not to sacrifice your GPA in your bid to impress. A low grade in a rigorous course will generally not fare as well as a higher grade in a less rigorous course. If you can balance the rigor of the said history class with the overall course-load and still maintain a great GPA, then it would likely benefit your college application.

On the other hand, if you are not entirely confident of achieving a good grade due to the course's difficulty, it might be worth considering if there's a slightly less challenging class that still demonstrates academic rigor and aligns with your history interest.

Lastly, remember to be kind to yourself. While challenging yourself academically is a great characteristic trait, don't forget to consider your mental and physical well-being.

Best of luck with your decision! Enjoy your junior year!

3 months ago

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