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SAT: 720 math
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What are the easiest scholarships?

Hi all, trying to figure out this whole scholarship thing as a junior. Are there certain scholarships known as 'easier' to get? How can I maximize my chances?

3 months ago

There are several scholarships generally considered 'easier' to apply to due to either their lack of rigorous eligibility requirements, such as essays, or due to their high award rate. However, these scholarships are often quite competitive due to the large volume of applicants.

A few examples of such scholarships include:

1. Coca-Cola Scholars Program: open to all high school seniors—with no GPA threshold, this scholarship selects students based on leadership, commitment to community, and academic achievement.

2. The $2,000 'No Essay' College Scholarship: This one is quite self-explanatory—you enter via a simple online form.

3. Courage to Grow Scholarship: This scholarship requires a mini essay, but it's only 250 words—hardly daunting.

Despite the seeming ease of applying to these scholarships, remember that there are likely to be a large number of applicants, which can adversely affect your chances. Smaller, local scholarships can be a bit easier to win due to a smaller pool of applicants.

To maximize your chances, I suggest the following:

1. Start Early: The earlier you start the scholarship search, the more opportunities you will have to apply.

2. Apply Locally: You're more likely to get a scholarship where the pool is smaller. Look for local businesses and community foundations that offer scholarships.

3. Tailor Your Application: If an essay is required, ensure you've tailored it to fit the scholarship's criteria. Generic essays won't stand out.

4. Be Diligent: Be consistent in your scholarship application efforts. Apply to as many scholarships as you are eligible for, and continually search for new opportunities.

5. Be Organized: Keep track of deadlines, requirements, and materials submitted. An application submitted late or incomplete will be disqualified immediately.

Remember, applying for scholarships is a numbers game. The more you apply to, the more likely you are to win one. Good luck!

3 months ago

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