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Acceptance rates in different Pennsylvania colleges?

Hi folks, I'm a junior checking out colleges in my home state Pennsylvania. Could anyone inform me which colleges here have easier acceptance rates or are generally easier to get into? Thanks!

3 months ago

Certainly, here are some Pennsylvania colleges with higher acceptance rates which typically suggest that they are easier to get into, compared to some other institutions.

1. Indiana University of Pennsylvania Main Campus: According to the latest data, the acceptance rate is 92%, which means that 92 out of every 100 applicants are accepted.

2. Edinboro University of Pennsylvania: This university reportedly has an acceptance rate of about 90%.

3. Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania: This university's acceptance rate is about 74%, which means it is less selective compared to others.

4. PennWest California: The acceptance rate stands at nearly 94%.

5. Kutztown University of Pennsylvania: This university has an acceptance rate of about 96%.

Remember, while these institutions may be easier to get into, it's important to ensure they offer the major, activities, and other factors that you're interested in. Also, while acceptance rate is one factor to consider, you should also look at the admission requirements (GPA, SAT/ACT scores) to make sure you meet them.

3 months ago

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