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Deciding Major: Are there any Easy College Degrees?

I'm a junior who's exploring options for my future major. To be honest, I'm not exactly an academic powerhouse, but I'm committed to earning a degree. Are there any 'easiest' college degrees that still hold good potential for future jobs?

3 months ago

I understand where you're coming from. College can definitely seem daunting, but please remember that 'ease' is subjective and greatly varies from person to person. What might be easy for one person based on their strengths and interests might be difficult for another. Rather than seeking out the easiest degrees, you may want to consider finding a degree program that aligns well with your interests and strengths, and that also has a clear post-graduation career path.

That being said, it's crucial to be aware that no degree guarantees an easy time in college or a seamless path to a job. However, some degrees might offer a bit more flexibility or have a less heavy workload compared to others. For example, degrees in business, communication, English, or humanities can be less intensive in terms of the amount of technical or logical skills needed compared to degrees in the sciences, tech, or math fields. These degrees also have varied career paths which can be an advantage to many students.

For example, a Business Administration degree could lead towards a wide range of careers in management, marketing, finance, human resources, or entrepreneurship. On the other hand, a degree in Communication could help you towards careers in media, journalism, public relations, or corporate communications.

Remember, choosing a major should not be taken lightly, and it is important to consider your interests, skills, and career goals. Workloads will vary, but being passionate and interested in your major can make the work feel less burdensome and more worthwhile. Reach out to college advisors, career counselors, and professionals in fields you're considering to help inform your choice.

3 months ago

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