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What's regarded as the toughest class across colleges?

So I've been hearing a lot about certain college classes being super hard, but I'd like to hear from you guys. Which class is often deemed as the toughest in colleges? I'm curious about which subject areas are known for their intensity at the college level.

3 months ago

There's no single answer to this, as the "toughest" class can vary greatly from college to college, and even more so from student to student, depending on their personal strengths and interests. That said, classes in the sciences, such as Organic Chemistry, or advanced-level courses in mathematics like Multivariable Calculus or Linear Algebra, are often cited as some of the toughest by students across a wide array of institutions. These courses often involve challenging concepts, heavy workloads, and rigorous examination.

In the humanities, many students find upper-level foreign language courses particularly challenging due to the level of fluency required. Similarly, Philosophy courses with their emphasis on logic and abstract thinking can also be difficult for many students.

In the engineering field, many students point to classes such as Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, or advanced Engineering Mathematics as among the toughest due to the complex theories and calculations involved.

Just remember, what may be tough for one student might be easier for another. It very much depends on one's individual strengths and study habits. It's also important to note that the difficulty of a course can be largely influenced by the specific professor's teaching style and grading standards. So it's always a good idea to seek out advice, reviews, or input from students who have taken the course before deciding.

3 months ago

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