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Easiest Cal State Colleges to get into—does such a thing exist?

Hello folks, just needing an honest perspective here. I've been told some Cal state colleges have higher acceptance rates than others making them 'easier' to get into. Anyone have any insights or experiences with this? Also, how academically rigorous are these colleges despite their higher acceptance rates?

3 months ago

While it's not quite accurate to say that there are 'easy' Cal State colleges to get into since all of them require a certain level of academic achievement, it is true that some have higher acceptance rates. In terms of acceptance rates, you might find that schools like CSU Dominguez Hills, CSU East Bay, or CSU Bakersfield generally accept a higher proportion of students compared to more selective campuses such as San Diego State or Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.

However, remember that the specific acceptance rate will also depend on your intended major. Some majors are more competitive than others, meaning that even at a university with a higher overall acceptance rate, gaining acceptance to a specific program may be more difficult.

As for academic rigor, Cal State universities are known for providing quality education. Higher acceptance rates don’t necessarily mean less academic rigor. Each school has its strengths. For example, CSU Dominguez Hills has a strong nursing program while CSU San Marcos is known for its business administration program. Remember to choose a Cal State not just based on its acceptance rate, but also on the quality of its programs in line with your career goals.

In the end, it's recommended that you apply to several Cal State colleges that align with your academic interests and career goals, and not just base your choices on acceptance rates. It can be a balance of 'reach', 'match', and 'safety' schools, so you have a range of options. Good luck!

3 months ago

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