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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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College Course Recommendations: Easiest Ones to Take?

Okay, so I'm reviewing my options for electives and I'm honestly a bit overwhelmed. I need to balance out my challenging courses so - does anyone have recommendations for the easiest college courses?

3 months ago

When looking for "easy" electives, keep in mind the goal isn't just to find a class where you can skate by—consider subjects that genuinely interest you and can be added value for your overall college experience.

If you're good with numbers and enjoy logical thinking, "Intro to Statistics" might be a good choice. It's less abstract than other maths and has practical applications in many fields.

If you're a people person and curious about human behavior, "Intro to Psychology" may not be overly strenuous—plus the subject matter is often interesting to a wide range of students.

Other potentially light but enriching courses include "Art Appreciation" or "Music Appreciation," where you get to learn about various forms of art or music in depth.

You might also want to consider a physical education class, like aerobics or a basic sports class, which can also help manage stress and stay active.

Just remember, "easy" can be subjective and varies from student to student. What's effortlessly enjoyable to one person may be a struggle for another. Try to align your electives with your interests, strengths, and hobbies to make them more manageable and meaningful.

Always read course descriptions and, if possible, reach out to students who have taken the classes you're considering to get their input. Online platforms like Rate My Professors can also give you a sense of the workload and difficulty of a course by a specific lecturer.

3 months ago

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