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Finance Majors in the Military?

Hey all, I'm actually majoring in finance in college right now. I'm considering enlisting after graduation, and I'm wondering, are there any U.S. military branches that would particularly value or utilize my finance major?

3 months ago

Great question! All branches of the U.S. military have roles that could utilize a finance major, as they all need financial management and accounting services. Here are examples from each branch:

1. Army: The Army has the Finance Corps, which is in charge of budgeting, disbursing and accounting for revenue. You could serve as a financial manager in the Army.

2. Navy: The Supply Corps in the Navy might be a good fit. Officers in this branch handle financial management, inventory control, and a host of other supply-chain and logistics functions.

3. Air Force: The Air Force offers Finance Officer roles. These individuals are in charge of financial operations including budgeting, disbursement, and cost-effectiveness evaluation.

4. Marines: They have Financial Management Officers who are responsible for maintaining budgets, advising commanders on financial matters, and overseeing financial management systems.

5. Coast Guard: The Finance Center (FINCEN) oversees financial transactions and fiscal stability of the Coast Guard.

6. Space Force: While newer and smaller than the other branches, it does have Budget Analyst and Financial Management careers where professionals develop the budget and oversee its execution.

Entrance into these officer roles typically require Officer Candidate School, or equivalent, after enlisting. Comparatively, these roles usually don't involve combat, but still play a crucial part in maintaining the operations and readiness of their respective branches.

Keep in mind that it's not just about what the military can provide for you, but what you can provide for the military. Your interest and passion for the finance field can contribute greatly to these roles. Good luck with your decision!

3 months ago

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