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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Seeking Opinions: Easiest College to Get into in California?

Living in California, and trying to stay local for college. My academia record is okay, but not stellar. Hats in the ring for the easiest colleges to get into within state borders?

3 months ago

Being in California provides you with a wealth of options, from the University of California system to the California State University system, and other private and community colleges. Though keep in mind, "easy" is relative depending on your GPA, test scores if applicable, extracurricular activities, etc.

For instance, Cal State campuses, while varying in competitiveness, generally have lower admission requirements than UCs and many offer comprehensive programs that might align with your interests. Schools like CSU Bakersfield, CSU Dominguez Hills, CSU San Bernardino are among those with higher acceptance rates.

Another option may be some of the less competitive UC campuses. UC Merced, UC Riverside, and UC Santa Cruz, for example, typically have higher acceptance rates compared to other UCs.

Private colleges like University of the Pacific, Mills College, or University of San Francisco might be additional potentials.

Also don't overlook the value of community colleges. The California Community College (CCC) system is robust, and many students start at a CCC with the intention of transferring to a four-year university, often through established pathways to UC and CSU schools.

It's beneficial to focus on where you're likely to get in, but also, where you're likely to thrive. Even colleges that are less competitive academically could be academically rigorous in your specific major or field of interest. So, match your interests and academic strengths with the right program and school. Good luck!

3 months ago

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