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Least Challenging College Math Courses?

Hey all! I've always struggled a bit with math but know I'll have to face it in college. Anyone have advice on what the easiest college math courses might be?

3 months ago

Sure, happy to lend a hand here. The less challenging math classes really depend on the college or university you attend because the curriculum can differ. However, there are some general 'lighter load' classes that many colleges offer.

1. "Math for Liberal Arts" courses - These classes often teach math that applies to real-world situations, rather than abstract mathematical theories, making them user-friendly for many.

2. Basic Statistics - This course usually isn't overly mathematical in its approach and more centered around understanding concepts. It's a good choice for students not too comfortable with calculus or algebra.

3. Finite Math - This course usually covers topics like sets, probability, matrices, and may also include some non-calculus topics in finance and economics.

4. Survey of Mathematics - It focuses on various concepts from different areas of math, without diving too deeply into any particular subfield.

Remember, you can and should utilize the resources at your college like the tutoring center, professor office hours, and study groups to help you succeed in the math course you decide to take.

3 months ago

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