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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Navigating Courses at Polk State

Hey guys, I'm planning to take some courses at Polk State College. Can anyone advise on the easiest ones to start off with?

3 months ago

Selecting "easy" classes will largely depend on your strengths and interests as a lot of this can be subjective. If you are looking for General Education courses often considered easier, you might consider these areas:

1. High Demand Business Courses: Communications in Business, and Advertising. These involve real-world scenarios that most students can relate to and that often stimulate interesting discussions.

2. Social Science Courses: Introduction to Psychology, and Sociology. These subjects often involve examining real-world societal issues which can be more approachable for students.

3. Art & Humanities: Intro to Art, and Humanities Through the Arts. These classes often analyze, and critique works of art, which some students find less strenuous than other subjects.

Remember that a balanced course schedule often includes a mix of classes relevant to your major (which may be traditionally more challenging), and other classes that might be more in alignment with your personal interests or strengths. This helps maintain a great academic balance and prevents burnout.

Additionally, it's always a good idea to check out professor reviews when planning your courses. Websites like RateMyProfessor can give you insights into the teaching styles and expectations of various professors, which can be another factor in determining how easy or tough a class may be.

Lastly, don't overlook the helpful resources at Polk State, such as the Academic Support Center and your advisors. They can often provide guidance regarding course selection based on your individual needs. Always be sure to consult with your academic advisor before making any major changes to your course load.

3 months ago

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