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What is the easiest CUNY college for a pre-dental major?

Hey community! I'm considering pursuing a pre-dental track in college and I'm looking at colleges in the CUNY system. Which CUNY college would you guys consider the 'easiest' or most accommodating for someone aiming for pre-dental studies?

3 months ago

When considering which CUNY college would be the "easiest" or most accommodating for pre-dental studies, it's crucial to acknowledge that evaluating a program solely based on its perceived easiness might not necessarily be the most beneficial approach. Pre-dental or any other pre-med programs are typically rigorous, as they are designed to prepare you for the rigorous coursework in dental school and beyond.

That being said, you might want to check out Hunter College's Pre-Health Advising Program because it has a strong track record of preparing students for a broad range of health professions, including dentistry. The program offers prerequisite courses and comprehensive advising for students interested in the health professions.

Another notable college within the CUNY system for pre-dental studies would be the City College of New York (CCNY). CCNY's Sophie Davis Biomedical Education Program offers an integrated seven-year program leading to a BS/DDS degree, in partnership with several dental schools.

Ultimately, choose the college that best suits your academic and personal interests. Look at factors like supportive faculty, available resources, student-to-teacher ratios, class sizes and courses offered, etc.

Good luck with your decision, and remember that the 'easiest' path might not necessarily always be the best one. It's the journey and the skills you pick up along the way that will help make you a successful dentist in the future!

3 months ago

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