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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can you greatly improve your PSAT score with services?

So I came across some services claiming to help improve PSAT scores dramatically. Has anyone tried these out, and are claims like these actually legit? How can you tell which prep resources are genuinely useful and not just trying to take your money?

a year ago

As someone who has guided many high school students through their PSAT prep, I can provide some clarity on this. While dramatic score improvements are possible, they typically require rigorous study and strategic preparation, rather than just the influence of a particular service. Improvements largely depend on your starting point and the efforts you put in.

When evaluating prep resources, look for ones offering practice questions that reflect the actual PSAT format, and comprehensive explanations of answers. Real improvement comes from understanding why you got a question wrong and learning the correct approach. Free resources like Khan Academy are aligned with the College Board and can be quite valuable. Meanwhile, paid services may offer structured programs and personalized guidance, which could be helpful for students who need a more disciplined study regime. Just remember, no service can guarantee a specific score increase as each student's potential for improvement varies. Always check service reviews and possibly consult with someone who has first-hand experience with the program, like your school counselor or a fellow student.

a year ago

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