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Easiest university majors to consider?

What's up folks! I'm a junior playing around with the idea of what I might want to major in when I get to university. I know everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, but does anyone know what are generally considered the 'easiest' majors out there? Just trying to gather all the info I can. Thanks!

3 months ago

Hello! You're absolutely correct that the concept of an "easy" major can greatly vary depending on an individual's specific strengths, interests, and overall academic prowess. However, some majors are often cited as less demanding based on factors like fewer required courses, less intensive workload, or lower levels of subject-specific complexity.

Communication, Social Work, and English/Literature are common examples of such majors. For instance, a Communication major typically involves courses in public speaking, digital communication, and interpersonal skills, which might be more intuitive and less rigorous compared to some STEM fields.

Social Work is another major that often comes up in these conversations, as it tends to focus more on interpersonal skills, empathy, problem-solving, and helping others, rather than intensive technical or scientific knowledge.

English or Literature can also be seen as 'easier' by some, given that these subjects often require a strong base in critical reading and essay writing, but don't usually demand the same level of in-depth technical or analytical skills as STEM subjects.

Again, the difficulty of a major is highly subjective and depends quite a bit on your personal abilities and interests. And remember, ease shouldn't be the main factor in your decision—pursue a major that excites you, aligns with your career goals, and will keep you engaged and motivated throughout your college journey.

3 months ago

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