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Hardest American Colleges to Get Accepted into per State?

Hello everyone! I'm willing to consider schools all over the country, and I'm curious about the most competitive schools in each state. Does anyone have a list, or general knowledge, of the hardest colleges to get into in each of the 50 states? This might really help me weigh up my options.

3 months ago

Sure, it can certainly be helpful to understand the landscape of selective schools across the country. Here's a brief rundown of some of the most competitive schools in each state, based on acceptance rates and academic reputation:

- Alabama: University of Alabama Honors College

- Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks

- Arizona: Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University

- Arkansas: University of Arkansas Honors College

- California: Stanford University

- Colorado: United States Air Force Academy

- Connecticut: Yale University

- Delaware: University of Delaware Honors Program

- Florida: University of Miami

- Georgia: Emory University

- Hawaii: University of Hawaii at Manoa

- Idaho: University of Idaho Honors Program

- Illinois: University of Chicago

- Indiana: University of Notre Dame

- Iowa: Grinnell College

- Kansas: University of Kansas Honors Program

- Kentucky: Centre College

- Louisiana: Tulane University

- Maine: Bowdoin College

- Maryland: Johns Hopkins University

- Massachusetts: MIT

- Michigan: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

- Minnesota: Carleton College

- Mississippi: University of Mississippi Honors College

- Missouri: Washington University in St. Louis

- Montana: University of Montana Davidson Honors College

- Nebraska: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Honors Program

- Nevada: University of Nevada, Reno Honors Program

- New Hampshire: Dartmouth College

- New Jersey: Princeton University

- New Mexico: University of New Mexico Honors College

- New York: Columbia University

- North Carolina: Duke University

- North Dakota: University of North Dakota Honors Program

- Ohio: Oberlin College

- Oklahoma: University of Tulsa

- Oregon: Reed College

- Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania

- Rhode Island: Brown University

- South Carolina: Clemson University Honors College

- South Dakota: Augustana University

- Tennessee: Vanderbilt University

- Texas: Rice University

- Utah: University of Utah Honors College

- Vermont: Middlebury College

- Virginia: University of Virginia

- Washington: University of Washington Honors Program

- West Virginia: West Virginia University Honors College

- Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Madison

- Wyoming: University of Wyoming Honors College

Keep in mind, this list just scratches the surface. There are many fantastic schools across the country. The "hardest" school to get into in a given state isn't necessarily the best fit or value for everyone. It's still important to research each school's academic offerings, cultural fit, location, cost, and the outcomes of its graduates. You should consider these factors in conjunction with admission rates and reputation to determine the right schools for you. And remember, reach out to admissions offices, visit campuses (if possible), and talk to current students or alumni; they can all provide you with valuable insight as you evaluate your options. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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