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SAT: 720 math
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Admissions competition in Minnesota colleges

Hey all, I'm planning to apply to colleges within my state, Minnesota. Does anyone have an idea of which are the toughest to get admitted to here? I want to see if my academic profile matches up.

3 months ago

The state of Minnesota has a number of colleges and universities that span a range of competitiveness. Here are some of the most prevalent:

1. The University of Minnesota: This is the most notable college in the state and tends to have the highest level of competitiveness. Specifically, the Twin Cities campus is the largest and most competitive with an approximate acceptance rate of 57%.

2. Carleton College: This is a private liberal arts college known for its academic rigor and competitive admissions, with an acceptance rate around 20%.

3. Macalester College: Another private liberal arts institution, located in St. Paul, with competitiveness similar to Carleton's, and an acceptance rate typically hovering around 31%.

4. St. Olaf College: This is a more laid-back but still academically rigorous institution with an acceptance rate of about 48%.

5. The College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University: These two schools, one for women and one for men, share an academic partnership. They maintain an acceptance rate around 80%.

These acceptance rates fluctuate from year to year, and acceptance depends not only on your academic performance (GPA, course rigor) but also on your SAT/ACT scores (when required), extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation. To ensure that you're a match for these schools, consider the middle 50% SAT/ACT scores and average GPAs of accepted students. This information can typically be found on the school's admissions webpage or through a reputable college database website. Remember, while statistics can provide a broad guideline, many elements factor into the admissions decision, so focus also on the individual components of your application.

3 months ago

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