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Lowest acceptance rates in US universities?

I'm just a junior right now, but it's crunch time for college applications! I know the Ivies and a few other schools are incredibly selective, but does anyone have a definitive list of the schools with the hardest acceptance rates in the US? Is there a unifying characteristic between them all?

3 months ago

Sure, you're on the dot about the Ivies being incredibly selective, but there are also other universities that have low acceptance rates. Stanford University, for instance, is notorious for having one of the lowest acceptance rates in the country. The other schools that consistently have the lowest acceptance rates include Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, University of Chicago, and MIT.

Their acceptance rates often fluctuate slightly year to year depending on the size and quality of the applicant pool, but generally, they hover around 4% to 6%. The key point to remember is that these rates are for all applicants, so the actual acceptance rate for any specific applicant may be higher or lower based on the strength of their application.

As for a unifying characteristic, all these universities are venerated for their high academic standards and esteemed faculty. Additionally, they have impressive student resources, strong reputations, and often have significant endowments. Usually, these universities receive a large volume of applications, and due to their prestige and limited space, they end up being incredibly selective.

Remember, though, that a low acceptance rate isn't everything. A university being selective doesn't inherently mean it's the best school for you. There are plenty of amazing colleges across the country with higher acceptance rates that may align better with your personal and academic goals!

3 months ago

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