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What are some of the hardest university classes?

Hi there, I've always had this curiosity about academic rigor at universities. I'm not afraid to take on challenging classes, but I'm interested to know what have you heard or experienced as the toughest classes in university? Physics? Organic chemistry? Advanced mathematics? I'd love to get your thoughts.

3 months ago

That's an excellent question! In general, the difficulty of a university class can vary depending on the student's strengths, interests, and the professor teaching the course. That being said, some courses are commonly perceived to be tough due to their demanding workload, complex concepts, or high expectations.

1. Organic Chemistry: Typically taken by pre-medical and chemistry students, organic chemistry is often considered quite challenging. The course covers a range of complex chemical reactions and mechanisms, requiring you to think spatially and engage in complex problem-solving.

2. Classical Physics: The introductory physics series, especially when taken with calculus, can be another challenging set of courses, as it involves applying mathematical theories and formulas to real-world phenomena.

3. Advanced Mathematics: Classes like Real Analysis or Abstract Algebra tend to be difficult due to the level of abstraction and rigor. The mathematical proofs in these courses can be especially challenging for those not accustomed to this kind of precise logical thinking.

4. Engineering Courses: Engineering disciplines often have notoriously difficult courses. For mechanical engineers, Thermodynamics can be tough. For electrical engineers, Electromagnetism can be a tricky subject.

5. Computer Science: Some advanced computer science classes like Algorithms can be challenging because of the level of abstract thinking and problem-solving skills required.

6. Foreign Languages: Advanced foreign language classes can also be challenging, especially if the language is not one you're already familiar with.

Again, the perceived difficulty of a course can highly depend on your background, preparation, interest, and how the course is taught. Even within a single subject, the difficulty can vary from one university to another, or from one professor to another.

3 months ago

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