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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Need advice on the most competitive universities

Hey folks, I am a junior thinking about where to send my applications next year. I have been told that some schools are notorious for being ultra-competitive. What's the consensus on the hardest university to get into? Is it worth trying for those or should I stick to more realistic options?

3 months ago

The general consensus is that schools like the Ivy League institutions (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc.), Stanford University, and MIT are some of the most competitive universities due to their low acceptance rates and high academic standards.

Now, whether it's worth applying to these institutions depends on your personal academic records, your strengths, and what you're looking for in a university. If you have a high GPA, strong SAT scores (if the school you're applying to isn't test-blind), and impressive extracurriculars or achievements, then it might be worthwhile to try for these highly competitive schools.

Remember, these schools like to see students who stand out - students with a 'spike'. A 'spike' refers to excelling in one particular area. For example, if you're an accomplished musician, have founded a successful startup, or are a national-level athlete, these are all examples of 'spikes'.

However, it's vital to run a balanced college application process and not just apply to competitive schools. Create a list that includes 'reach', 'match', and 'safety' schools. Reach schools are those where your credentials fall below the school's range for the average freshman. Match schools are where your academic credentials fall well within (or even exceed) the school's range for the average freshman. And safety schools are those where your academic credentials exceed the school's range for the average freshman.

It's good to aim high, but also aim wisely. After all, it's not just about getting into college, but about thriving and succeeding once you're there! Remember to find colleges that align with your academic and personal goals.

3 months ago

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