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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for Insights on University Majors

Hey guys! I'm trying to plan my future a little bit and I'm curious, what is generally considered the 'hardest' major at a university? I know 'hardest' will vary for each person and their strengths, but are there some majors that most students would agree are especially challenging?

3 months ago

Absolutely, there are some majors that are often considered particularly challenging by many students, though as you mentioned, this can depend greatly on an individual's strengths and interests.

Many students find STEM fields—particularly Engineering and Physics—to be among the most demanding. These majors often involve a heavy workload, complex problem-solving, and advanced mathematical concepts. For instance, Engineering often requires challenging coursework in areas like dynamics, thermodynamics, and systems controls. Physics majors, on the other hand, often delve into the mysteries of the universe, studying everything from quantum mechanics to astrophysics, which can be cerebrally intense.

Alternatively, some students might find the sheer amount of content in Pre-Medical or Biology majors to be overwhelming. These fields require a vast amount of memorization and comprehension of complex concepts—the human body itself is a complex machine that medical students must intimately understand.

Some social sciences, like Economics, can be rigorous as well due to the mathematical models and theories they use. Pre-Law, Political Science, and Philosophy majors often involve substantial reading, critical analysis, and writing, which can be time-consuming.

In the humanities, majors like English, History, or Comparative Literature can be challenging due to the high volume of reading, deep textual analysis, and extensive essay writing they require.

Ultimately, it's important to choose a major that aligns with your interests and career goals, rather than solely based on difficulty. Excelling in a field you're passionate about can be much more rewarding than struggling through a major just because it's seen as challenging. Remember, challenging doesn't always equate to valuable or fulfilling!

3 months ago

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