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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Navigating the Admissions for Competitive Public Universities

I'm really aiming to go to a top-notch public university but I know these can be some of the toughest to get into. In your experience, what is the hardest public university to gain admission to? By 'hardest', I mean which one tend to have the most competitive admission standards and highest applicant volume?

3 months ago

The University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), is often considered one of the most competitive public universities in the United States in terms of admissions standards and applicant volume.

For the 2024-2025 application cycle, UC Berkeley received an impressive number of applications, making it one of the most sought-after public schools. In terms of admission standards, its acceptance rate has historically been low, signifying its competitive nature.

It's important to note that the "hardest" or most competitive school can vary depending on specific factors, such as the student's residency status and the major they are applying for. For instance, out-of-state and international students might face very competitive admission rates at publicly funded universities, as these schools often have a set quota for in-state students.

Another competitive aspect of UC Berkeley is the high academic achievements of its admitted students. It's not uncommon for admitted students to have high GPAs and advanced AP or IB coursework under their belt.

Gaining admission into such competitive public universities often requires students to not only excel acadically but also to have exceptional extracurricular activities that show leadership or a highly-developed specialty (known as a "spike"). If you're aiming for such schools, make sure your application highlights your strongest points, and your essays provide an in-depth glimpse into your personal stories and goals.

Remember to apply to a range of schools with varying degrees of selectivity to keep your options open, and don't forget that many factors go into college admissions—so choosing a school should be based on personal fit and not just reputation or perceived competitiveness.

3 months ago

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