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Military Branches involving Horse-related Duties?

Hey, I've always loved working with horses and I was thinking that it might be interesting to merge this passion with a military career. I was wondering, does any branch of the military still operate horses in the modern time? Has anyone got any insights or experiences they can share on this? Thanks in advance.

3 months ago

Hello! It's interesting you're considering merging your love for horses with a military career. While horses aren't regularly used for military operations today as they were in the past, there are still a few areas within the military where they have a role.

Firstly, there are roles in ceremonial units, like the Caisson Platoon of The 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment in the Army, which is known as "The Old Guard". They are responsible for the horses that pull the caissons in military funerals at Arlington National Cemetery.

The U.S. Marine Corps also maintains a Mounted Color Guard, where Marines serve as caretakers and riders of horses. They perform in parades and other ceremonies, showcasing the historical connection of the Marines and horses.

At a more functional level, in the special forces community, there are times when soldiers might need to use horses to navigate terrain that's difficult for vehicles. This was notably demonstrated in the early days of the Afghanistan War, where U.S. Special Forces soldiers, famously known as the "horse soldiers," used horses to move quickly over the rugged terrain.

So, while horses are not a mainstream part of modern military operations, there are still unique roles where they are utilized. If you're pursuing a military career with the desire to work with horses, it might take a specific path or unique assignment to make that happen. Also, remember that the needs of the service always come first, so these opportunities may not always be available or it could take time to get such an assignment.

Hope this information helps clarify things for you!

3 months ago

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