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Opportunities in the Military for Finance Majors?

Hey folks, I'm majoring in finance and I've been contemplating a career in the military after graduation. Are there any military branches that particularly value or recruit finance majors? Would be grateful if anyone could share any information or their personal experiences.

3 months ago

Sure, it's great that you're thinking about a career in the military with a finance major under your belt. Whether you join as an officer or enlist, there are a range of roles related to finance in the military that could utilize your skill set.

U.S. Army and the Air Force have their respective Finance Corps and Financial Management career fields which could utilize your expertise in areas like budgeting, disbursement, and cost management. In the Navy, Supply Corps might be a good fit, as it includes finance management among other areas like supply chain and logistics.

Another avenue to consider is becoming a Financial Management Officer in the Marine Corps. This role is responsible for budgeting, fiscal, and auditing among other money-related tasks.

Alternatively, working for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) arm of the Department of Defense could also align with your major. Its mission is to provide payment services for the U.S. Department of Defense.

Lastly, there's a rising space for finance experts in the newly established Space Force as it continues to evolve its administration and operational components.

Remember that the military values a range of skills and majors, and while your finance background will be an asset, what really matters is your willingness to serve and adapt to the military lifestyle. Good luck with your decision-making process!

3 months ago

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