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Branches of Military in China?

Hi, I'm trying to educate myself about global military structures for a school project. Can anyone confirm if China has multiple branches in its military like the US does? Any nuggets of information about the subject would be greatly appreciated.

3 months ago

Absolutely, China's military, known as the People's Liberation Army (PLA), does in fact have multiple branches much like the U.S. military. Here's a brief rundown of the structure:

1. PLA Ground Force (PLAGF): This is China's land-based military branch. It is responsible for safeguarding the territorial integrity of the nation by defending against any potential threats on land.

2. PLA Navy (PLAN): The Navy is responsible for both coastal and offshore defense, including the operations in South China Sea. There are two primary fleets within the PLAN: the North Sea Fleet and the South Sea Fleet.

3. PLA Air Force (PLAAF): The Air Force defends Chinese air space and also has roles in anti-ship and strategic bombings. It's further divided into several departments, such as aviation, anti-aircraft artillery, and surface-to-air missiles.

4. PLA Rocket Force (PLARF): This branch is responsible for China's ballistic and strategic missile forces, including the country's nuclear arsenal. It was known as the Second Artillery Corps until it was renamed in 2015.

5. PLA Strategic Support Force (PLASSF): Established in 2015, this is a somewhat newer branch that's responsible for the cyber, space, and electronic warfare aspects of China's military.

6. PLA Joint Logistic Support Force: This is the logistical branch of the PLA, established to ensure efficient and coordinated logistic support for the other branches.

Each branch within the PLA plays a crucial role in maintaining the defence and integrity of the nation. Moreover, it's important to note that similar to the U.S, the Chinese military also has paramilitary forces, such as the People's Armed Police which is involved in internal security, riot control, anti-terrorism, disaster response, and maintaining law and order.

3 months ago

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