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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Inquiring about the Military Intelligence Branch Motto

Here's a less formal question. For those in the know, what's the motto of the military intelligence branch? I've seen different mottos for different military branches and am intrigued by what they represent.

3 months ago

The motto of the U.S. Army Military Intelligence Branch is "Always Out Front". This phrase signifies the role of military intelligence in constantly being at the forefront of operations, gathering and analyzing information to aid decision making and ensuring the safety and success of missions. It reflects the dedication and determination of the intelligence officers who work diligently behind the scenes to prepare, inform, and guide their fellow soldiers in their actions. They hold a position of pride, knowing that their work directly impacts the success of strategic operations.

3 months ago

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