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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Drake University: The toughest courses?

Hey! I'm set to start at Drake University this fall, and I'm a bit jittery. I've read a lot about the academic intensity there, but I want to know: what courses do students typically find the hardest? Thanks a lot.

3 months ago

Hello! Congratulations on your admission to Drake University - that's a great achievement. I understand your concerns about academics; it's normal to feel a bit nervous, especially with the prospect of challenging coursework.

The difficulty of a course can vary greatly depending on the individual and their strengths or interests. However, I can share some commonly reported classes that are perceived as challenging at many institutions, including Drake.

Many students find that science courses, especially those in Chemistry and Physics, to be quite challenging due to their level of detail and the depth of understanding required. Biology is another one which can be difficult, particularly for students who aren't aiming for a career in health or life sciences.

Courses in Mathematics, especially Calculus, have been marked as tough by many students due to the rigorous problem-solving skills and conceptual understanding needed.

On the social sciences side, Economics can be challenging for those not familiar with its terminologies and theories. Other courses like Philosophy or Political Science can also be challenging due to their abstract concepts and the need for critical thinking skills.

Finally, language classes can prove difficult based on the individual's fluency and understanding of the language's grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary.

I recommend researching the courses you'll be taking, getting in touch with your professor or TA if you have questions or need clarity, and utilizing any academic resources and supports available on campus. Remember, a challenging course can also be a rewarding learning opportunity!

Best of luck with your studies at Drake University. You're going to do great!

3 months ago

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