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Seeking advice on the most challenging college classes.

Hello, I'm a rising junior high schooler actively exploring my college options. I sometimes hear that certain college courses can be incredibly difficult. Does anyone have any suggestions or experiences on some of the hardest college classes you've encountered and why they were so challenging?

3 months ago

Focus and rigor can vary greatly between universities and even professors within the same course at the same school, but some notoriously challenging classes are:

1. Organic Chemistry: Frequently cited by students in pre-med, biochemistry, etc. as one of the toughest classes. It requires comprehensive understanding of complex chemical reactions and mechanisms. It demands a high level of memorization, along with the ability to apply the principles to solve complex problems.

2. Thermodynamics: Extensively reported as difficult by mechanical or chemical engineering students. It involves lots of complex equations and concepts related to heat, work, temperature and energy that many students can find abstract and hard to grasp.

3. Quantum Mechanics: This physics course deals with phenomena on a minuscule scale, and it behaves differently than we're used to in the macroscopic world, which can be a real brain-twist!

4. Analysis: This is an upper-level math course often required for math majors. It covers a wide range of topics from topology to calculus in multi-dimensional space, including proofs which requires strong analytical thinking.

5. Advanced Foreign Languages: Particularly ones that have little in common with your first language(s). They not only require mastering new syntax, vocabulary, and often an entirely new alphabet, but also understanding the cultural nuances to use the language properly.

Remember, difficulty is often subjective and could depend on your strengths, interests, and the amount of effort you invest in the course. To be better prepared, it's a good idea to review the syllabus ahead of time, familiarize yourself with any prerequisite material, set a consistent study schedule, and don't hesitate to seek help when needed. Utilizing office hours, study groups, and tutoring resources can greatly alleviate the challenge of these tough classes.

3 months ago

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