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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Toughest College Curriculums?

Hi everyone. About to embark on the journey that is college and I'm curious about something. Are there specific colleges that are renowned for having super tough curriculums? I like to test my limits so I'm super excited about this!

3 months ago

Absolutely, quite a few colleges are known for their rigorous academics. It's important to note that the difficulty of a curriculum can depend on the area of study, but a strong academic reputation usually extends across multiple departments at these colleges.

1. University of Chicago: Known for its unique approach to education, it heavily focuses on critical thinking and independent study. Their "Core curriculum" spans a wide range of subjects, challenging students to question, explain, and engage with new ideas.

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): MIT has a high workload across many fields, particularly in STEM. The coursework is demanding, but students are often collaborating and helping each other out, creating a competitive yet supportive environment.

3. Swarthmore College: This liberal arts college is famous for rigorous academics. The school places large emphasis on undergraduate education and encourages close relations between students and staff, leading to high course loads.

4. California Institute of Technology (Caltech): Caltech is another strong STEM school with demandingly high standards across its curriculum. Many students describe it as very challenging, yet equally rewarding.

5. Johns Hopkins University: Especially known for its pre-med and engineering programs, Johns Hopkins pushes its students to be the best. There's a heavy workload but students also receive a lot of support from the faculty.

Remember, what matters most is not just the difficulty of the curriculum, but whether the style of teaching and learning aligns with what works best for you. It's important to find a college that will challenge you, but also provide an environment where you can thrive acadically and personally!

3 months ago

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