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Most Competitive University Programs in Canada

Hi everyone, I'm seriously considering studying up north in Canada! Can anyone give insight on what the most competitive university programs to get into are there? I've heard U of T's engineering school is insanely tough, but what other programs are known to be super rigorous? Thanks!

3 months ago

Hello! Great to hear about your interest in Canadian universities – they truly offer some top-notch programs. You're correct that the University of Toronto's engineering school is well-known and quite competitive.

In addition, McGill University's Faculty of Medicine is also quite renowned and competitive. The acceptance rate is typically fairly low, as the program attracts high-performing students worldwide. Additionally, their Desautels Faculty of Management has a high-caliber and competitive BCom program too.

The Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia (UBC) is known for its competitive and rigorous Commerce program as well. The Rotman Commerce program at the University of Toronto is another option that attracts many aspiring business students.

For those interested in Computer Science, the University of Waterloo has an esteemed program that is also very competitive, mainly due to the university's strong ties to the industry and renowned co-op program.

Lastly, the Schulich School of Business at York University is also highly ranked and known for its rigorous BBA and iBBA programs.

Remember, competition and rigor can vary year to year and among different programs within a university. Ultimately, picking a program also depends on your personal interests and career goals. Best of luck with your university search!

3 months ago

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