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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Feeling uneasy about discrimination—what's the real deal with racism in schools these days?

I've been kinda stressed about the social climate in universities lately—does racism still play a part in campuses across the US? How do schools address these issues, and what can students do to foster a more inclusive environment? Want to make sure I'm applying to places where diversity is actually celebrated.

a year ago

It's perfectly normal to consider the social climate when thinking about your future university. While it's unfortunate that racism and discrimination have not been completely eradicated from our society, many schools have taken proactive steps to foster inclusive and diverse environments.

Universities often have offices dedicated to diversity and inclusion, which work to promote understanding, create policies to address discrimination, and host events centered around multicultural awareness. As a student, you can engage with these offices, join or even start inclusive student organizations, participate in diversity-related workshops, and advocate for equitable policies.

When applying, research the schools' initiatives on diversity and their actual campus culture, which you can often gauge through current student testimonials or during campus visits. If you want to make a difference, look for environments where your values align with those of the institution. Colleges are communities, and each member has the power to contribute positively. Remember, a campus that celebrates diversity will showcase that in their mission statements, student clubs, course offerings, and administrative actions. By choosing such a place, you can be at the forefront of creating the inclusive environment you seek.

a year ago

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