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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the hype around Johns Hopkins University?

So I've heard a lot about Johns Hopkins and its prestige, but I'm kinda wondering what specifically about JHU's programs or campus life makes it such a sought after school? Any insider info or personal experiences?

a year ago

Hey there! My daughter is a sophomore at JHU, and I can share a bit about what she's told me. First off, the school is world-renowned for its research opportunities, especially in the medical and public health fields. They have incredible resources and top-notch faculty who are leaders in their fields, which means as an undergraduate, you can get involved in significant research projects early on.

Campus life is vibrant with a tight-knit community—there's a real sense of belonging among students. There are tons of student organizations, and the school spirit is quite strong, especially at lacrosse games! Hopkins is located in Baltimore, which offers a unique urban college experience with access to cultural events, internships, and community service opportunities.

One thing that my daughter really appreciates is the emphasis on interdisciplinary study. Hopkins encourages students to explore courses across different fields, giving them a well-rounded education. She has friends double-majoring or minoring across very diverse areas, like engineering and music, which is pretty cool.

Lastly, the campus itself is just beautiful. The historic buildings combined with modern facilities make it a really pleasant place to study and live. If you get the chance to visit, it might give you a better feel for the vibe there!

a year ago

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