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Waiting Game: ROTC Scholarship Decision Time

Hey! Got a quick one for any ROTC veterans or current folk out there. How long does it typically take to hear back about a ROTC scholarship decision for all military branches? And is there anything I can do to increase my chances? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Hello! In general, the process for hearing back about ROTC scholarships can vary and depends on when you submitted your application. It also varies by the military branch you are applying to. For Army ROTC scholarships, the board reviews applications at three different points throughout the year, usually in the fall and winter. For the Air Force and Navy, it's a rolling process and the boards meet regularly, so you can hear back anywhere from several weeks to a few months after applying.

One important thing that can significantly impact your chances of getting the scholarship is your performance during the interview. This is a platform to demonstrate leadership abilities, commitment to service, and clear communication skills. Having a robust portfolio with strong academic performance, leadership roles, physically fit (considering Army's Physical Fitness Test or Air Force's Candidate Fitness Assessment), and a record of community service or extracurricular involvement can help.

Also, remember to have your recommendation letters tout your abilities in leadership and teamwork. Their perspective can provide the scholarship board with additional evidence of your capabilities and potential as an ROTC Cadet.

Hope this helps and best of luck with your scholarship application!

3 months ago

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