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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What math score on the PSAT is considered strong?

Math isn't exactly my strong suit, but I'm working on it. For the PSAT, what score range should I target to show competence in math?

a year ago

It's great to hear that you're focusing on improving your math skills for the PSAT. The PSAT math section is scored from 160 to 760, making the total score range for the PSAT 320 to 1520. Aiming for a score above the 75th percentile can be considered strong. This typically means scoring above 570-600. However, what is 'strong' can vary depending on the competitive level of the colleges you're interested in and the average scores of their applicants.

For instance, if you're aiming for top-tier schools, you might want to target a 90th percentile score or higher, which is usually around 650 or above. Remember that the PSAT is also used to qualify students for the National Merit Scholarship Program, and for that, the cutoff scores vary by state. You should check the previous year's scores to get an idea of what you might need. Keep practicing to boost your skills, and consider getting help from resources like Khan Academy or a tutor if you need it. Good luck!

a year ago

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