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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Understanding Biola Admissions

I am planning on applying to Biola University but want to understand their admissions process better. Can any current or past students give me some insights?

3 months ago

Absolutely, I can provide you with some information on Biola University's admission process, though I will be speaking from a general perspective and not personal experience. Biola University uses a holistic review process, which means they take into account much more than just grades and test scores.

To start with basics, all applicants need to submit an online application, through Biola's own site. You'll need to provide all the standard academic information, such as high school transcripts and test scores (if you choose to submit them, since Biola is test-optional).

Two important factors Biola considers specifically are Christian commitment and academic preparation. As a Christian university, Biola requires applicants to agree with their doctrinal statement, and commitment to a Christian lifestyle is considered. You'll have to write a personal statement on your Christian faith and commitment which is a crucial part of the application.

Academic-wise, a pattern of consistently strong performance in challenging classes throughout high school is looked at favorably.

In addition, recommendations play a significant role in the application process at Biola. Two recommendations are required—one academic (preferably from a teacher who knows you well) and one pastoral (from a pastor who knows your faith journey well).

Extracurricular involvement, whether through church, community service, work, or school clubs, is also taken into account. They're interested in students who will contribute to the university’s community outside of the classroom.

Lastly, it's worth noting that an interview, while not required, is a great way to demonstrate your interest in Biola and allows the admissions committee to get to know you better.

It's always a good idea to look over Biola's website or contact the admissions office for the most detailed and accurate information.

3 months ago

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