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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Exploring Biola University Majors

So, I'm seriously considering applying to Biola University, but I'm still undecided about my major. Can anyone shed some light on their most popular or strongest programs?

3 months ago

Biola University is known for its strong programs in the areas of Bible Studies and Theology, due in part to its evangelical Christian roots, leading to high-quality education in these specialties. These paths are part of the most popular majors due to the school's religious focus.

On the other hand, Biola has significantly invested in the development of strong programs in Psychology, Business, and Education, portraying its commitment to a well-rounded academic portfolio. The Business program, in particular, is known for its blend of theoretical and practical learning, offering students real-world experience.

Additional noteworthy programs include Cinema and Media Arts, which is gaining popularity due to the University's proximity to Hollywood and access to industry professionals. The Nursing program is also acclaimed for its comprehensive curriculum and high NCLEX pass rates.

As you consider your options, remember that these are just some of the strong programs Biola offers. If you have any specific academic interests, it would certainly be beneficial to look into those specific departments in more detail. While the university is known for these majors, this doesn't mean their other programs are not strong and worthy of consideration.

3 months ago

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