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The University Scene in Blacksburg, VA

Hey everyone. I'm seriously considering attending college in Blacksburg, VA. Can any current or past students share their experiences? How's the university and social scene?

3 months ago

Blacksburg, VA is famously known for housing the Virginia Tech (VT), a public research university. It houses more than 30,000 students and gives you a solid community vibe. The VT Hokies, which is their athletic team, is a great source of pride and fosters excitement throughout the year with several sports events. Football matches are especially a crowd-puller.

Academically, VT is prominent in several fields, especially engineering, business, and biological sciences. If you're into research, you'll appreciate the extensive research opportunities the university avails of its students.

As far as social life is concerned, there’s quite a bit happening in Blacksburg. The town is small and has a cozy, welcoming vibe. Since the town pretty much revolves around the college, there’s a high level of camaraderie among the students and locals. There are several festivals and events like the International Street Fair and Homecoming week which are fun to participate in and provide opportunities to interact and engage.

Blacksburg's downtown area, which is walking distance from campus, hosts a variety of shops, restaurants, and activities. There's First & Main shopping center or the Farmer's Market that you can explore. Also, if you’re into the outdoors, the Huckleberry Trail and the nearby Appalachian Trail provide fantastic trails for hiking and biking.

One thing to keep in mind is that Blacksburg is somewhat secluded and you would need to travel a distance to reach major cities. Nonetheless, the university and town provide a vibrant and engaging experience and for many students, the benefits of the tight-knit VT community outweigh the town's remoteness. Overall, Blacksburg has that perfect blend of a close community feel while also offering a large university experience.

3 months ago

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